SMOOTH MOVE– Beaten as fav but a good run. Was asked on a couple of occasion to hold one of the dangers out, he did that but feel it took away from his finishing sprint while the fav was given a quiet time and rolled over them late. He can win soon.
SKINS– Not much between three of them here but I just like what I’ve seen in SKINS. Probably better next time in work but might knock another off before he goes out.
OCEAN ADDICT- Just bumped into a couple in good form her last couple. Well suited at these trips and rock hard fit. Can win soon.
RED CHASE– They got it right dropping back in trip. Stick to 1400m on the bigger tracks, that’s ideal.
TREVELYAN- Bumped into a good one but late splits good and sure to win more races.
LOOKS LIKE ELVIS- Bomb proof. Can stick to the mile at a track like this or get to 1800-2000m his next couple, whatever races fit the schedule.