Brissyraces Day – 8th Feb – Save the date!

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*You may have noticed I have been down an article or two this week, I have simply been on holidays and you can expect normal articles and especially interviews to continue as usual from next week on and I am looking forward to a big 2014 with the support of all you guys and girls.

All going to plan- The first ever BRISSYRACES day will be at the PINEAPPLE HOTEL on the 8th of February.

As all things like this there is no doubt it will grow and get bigger as we go, but I am sure people will have a fun day catching up with like-minded people and having a beer and a bet. There will be giveaways and the first 70 there should get a Brissyraces hat or stubbie holder.

We are likely to have some giveaways from TATTS, Matt Dunn Racing, Malua Racing, QLD Trial Review, First-up racing and more.

Brissyraces Image

The hospitality from the Singleton’s at the Pineapple is always outstanding and I am sure the Park Bar will be a buzz on the day.

I will probably run a cheap and simple punters club on the day and won’t bother people by standing on a box and boring you with racing all day, but am keen to catch up with as many people who follow the site as possible.

We should be kicking off at 12pm and going through till about 6pm. I am not sure on numbers yet but there may be a seat or two on the minibus leaving from Tugun, if there is I will let people know during the week leading up to the day.

**Feel free to send this through or email to friends who may be interested or have the arvo spare to have a bit of a fun day, you don’t have to be a mad punter to have a fun arvo…. You can also re-tweet or post on Facebook to reach more people.

Thankyou all, I hope to see you there and stay tuned for more! (Another great day on OZ day as you can see below)

CheersAustralia Day - Piney
