Each year the TBQA Committee is rotated and three new members are elected.
This year we have more nominees than positions (five nominees and three positions). As such, an election is necessary.
Five candidates have nominated. Three existing TBQA members, Jeff Kruger, Stan Johnson and Allan Gee, along with Michael Frappell and Simon Gleeson.
You will recieve your ballot forms in the mail this week.
Please take the time to lodge a vote, as the TBQA represents YOU. The committee makes decisions affecting the breeding industry on your behalf. As such, your input at this time is vital.
Each member receives only one vote, and no other ballots will be forwarded outside this mail out.
Ballots must be received by Friday September 2nd, 2011.
An independent scrutineer will tally the votes, with the new committee to be announced at the AGM on Friday, September 16th 1pm at the Toowoomba Turf Club.
If you wish to attend the AGM, please RSVP to the TBQA office on the by this Friday 2nd September, 2011.