QROA benefit function

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Don’t miss your last chance to attend this special night
to support Kristy Banks.Meet and listen to new Racing Minister Steven Dickson, who will be attending. Also meet new Racing Queensland Chairman Kevin Dixon.

We now have more fabulous items for silent auction and lucky door prizes with $7,000 worth of Winter Racing Carnival hospitality packages generously donated by the BRC and Chairman Bill Sexton.There are also additional racing memorabilia items donated by Sky Racing and Ross Stevenson and a men’s fashion package valued at $1200.

This will be a great chance to relax and network with others in our industry whilst enjoying quality canapés which will be served continuously during the night. Two drinks are included thereafter a cash bar will be available. Men will need to wear a tie and jacket.

Parking – Discounted parking at Queens Plaza is available by validating your parking ticket at the reception desk at Tattersall’s.

This function will be held at Tattersall’s Club, Brisbane, from 6.30pm to 8.30 pm on Thursday May 17Admission is $35 for QROA members and $45 for non members.

 Email: admin@qroa.com.au and advise when you have made a direct deposit to Queensland Racehorse Owners Association Inc.

 Our bank details are – Bank: BOQ – BSB 124083 – Account 12049857
Please include your names and “Cocktail Party Payment” as the reference.Or send your cheque payable to QROA or credit card details to: PO Box 123 Chermside South QLD 4032