Well the people who have been following our latest “One On One” interviewee Bryan Dais are having a very good time out. In the article on brissyraces.com.au last week about Happy To Win saluting at $35, Dais commented that he thought Beggin was going very well into her first up run and that she would run well, and that is exactly what she did!
She jumped from her awkward gate at the Gold Coast on Monday and was posted four wide the entire 1100m trip but fought hard to get up on the line in a tremendous first up run (especially if you got the $10 she reached on Tatts). They were running fast times all day at the coast, but her effort to run a class record 1:03:42 after being posted that wide and carrying 57kg was very encouraging going forward for Dais and his team who have done a great job with the mare.
Craig Morrissey is her owner and he bought Beggin through Brown Bloodstock as a tried horse. Morrissey has been a big supporter of Dais and I know that Bryan was very happy to get a win on the board for Craig early in Beggin’s prep as she has a lot of potential to go through her grades this time in work. The owner and trainer seem to have a great working relationship and that will only improve if they can keep notching up victories along the way.
I like to give recognition to some of the trainers with smaller teams who produce a few winners in a row, as it is hard to do with small numbers. Bryan has around six in work and that’s two winners in a week which is a real credit to his hard work. He has added a couple of horses to his stable over the last month or so and is looking to grow in the near future, while still keeping the close knit atmosphere with his owners. He does have shares available in a Mossman youngster on his site and I dare say he will be hitting the Magic Millions sales and the Qtis 600 sales in March. If people are interested in his services, simply check out his website.